Sweet home Alabama, where there’s CBD for you. Or is there? The legalities of CBD in The Cotton State are, in fact, quite strict. CBD usage is typically reserved for medical practice. But as those big wheels keep on turnin’, federal laws may continue to push state laws to loosen up on their restrictions on CBD.
CBD in Alabama
The history of CBD in Alabama begins in 2014 when a bill called Carly’s Law passed. This law allowed medical professionals at University of Alabama at Birmingham to administer CBD oil in children who suffer from debilitating seizures. The bill was named after Carly Chandler, a 3 year-old who suffered from debilitating seizures. Then in 2016, Leni’s Law, named after 4 year-old Leni Young, passed.
This law made it legal for those who suffered from debilitating seizures to use CBD, as long as they were diagnosed by a doctor. It also allowed caregivers of patients with disabilities seizures to possess CBD, as long as the intended recipient was the patient. So, the short answer to the question: Is CBD Legal in Alabama, is: No, it’s not. However, those users who fall under Carly’s Law or Leni’s Law are able to use CBD with the contingency that the CBD must contain no more than 0.3% THC dry weight, as per the 2018 Farm Bill.
Buying CBD Online
CBD products sold online run the gamut and include tinctures, lotions & creams, edibles like gummies, capsules, coffees and teas, and even skincare, beauty products and pet care. Most experts agree that the Farm Bill makes it clear that consumers can legally buy these products if they’re made from low- or zero-THC hemp. If the CBD product is hemp-derived, there is very little risk for consumers when purchasing CBD online. To buy effective CBD oil from a reliable source, make sure to check out the impressive range of high-quality pure CBD isolate and full-spectrum products available at www.SeraLabsHealth.com. SeraLabs offers some of the highest quality CBD products.
What is Hemp-Derived CBD?
Both marijuana plants, cannabis and hemp, produce cannabidiol (CBD). The CBD molecule is the same in both cannabis sources. However, from a legal perspective, CBD products derived from hemp and CBD products derived from cannabis are entirely different.
Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol (CBD) is a plant-derived compound from Cannabis sativa, the species of plant that includes both hemp and marijuana, but from different plant varieties or cultivars. CBD is the primary non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, whereas tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is cannabis’s primary psychoactive compound. CBD is classified based on its level of THC and plant origin.
Cannabis contains a richer source of cannabinoids and terpenes than industrial hemp because it contains more resin. Resin is the sticky substance found on female cannabis flowers, and to a lesser extent, on its leaves. Hemp plants contain resin on the flowers and leaves too, but much less.
Hemp-Derived CBD vs. Hemp Seed Oil
You might be curious about the difference between hemp-derived CBD oil and hemp seed oil. SeraLabs CEO and founder, Nancy Duitch says, “…there are no health benefits from hemp seed oil at all. You are just as well off drinking a bottle of virgin olive oil… It’s very critical that you look at the back of the bottle and see if it says ‘cannabidiol’ on it.” It’s imperative that you check to see that the CBD is made with high quality ingredients.
What Dose is Right For Me?
Everyone wants to experience the benefits of CBD but finding the right dose can be a challenge. No one’s tolerance is exactly the same because everyone’s endocannabinoid system is a little bit different. We recommend starting with a low dose, 1 dropper, of CBD oil and working your way up to a higher dose if you don’t see results. SeraLabs offers a wide range of CBD oil tinctures from 400mg – 1,000mg. Often the best way to see the effects of CBD is to use the products regularly and then stop. People often report that they notice the effects upon stopping treatment. Remember it’s not about what you’re feeling, it’s about what you’re not feeling!
Keep out of reach of children. Not intended for use under the age of 18. Consult your healthcare provider before taking. Do not take if pregnant or lactating. This product contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight and will not produce any psychoactive effects. Please consult your healthcare provider for interaction with other medication.