Exfolioating Face

How to Exfoliate Your Face

How to exfoliate your face

We’ve all heard about skin exfoliation, the process by which we can speed up the process to remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. Skin exfoliation either takes place by mechanical exfoliation or chemical exfoliation and both methods can be used to exfoliate your face. Which of these you choose to use is usually determined by your skin type – we discuss these further in this article.

Mechanical exfoliation

This form of exfoliation uses actual physical motion, hence the term ‘mechanical’. With this type of exfoliation, you can either use a gentle facial mitt or exfoliating tool (some tools may be harsh on your skin and not recommended as they may increase the size of your pores or cause your skin to tear), or an exfoliating scrub to gently massage your skin with. Normal skin types can usually benefit from mechanical exfoliants.

Using circular motions across your skin, you can remove excess dry skin and dead cells that may help to reveal smoother brighter skin. If your skin appears red or blotchy then you may have scrubbed too hard, or too often.

If you have sensitive skin or skin damage this method to exfoliate your face may not be recommended as it can leave the outer layer of the skin more vulnerable.

Sensitive or dry skin may benefit from exfoliation, however exfoliating once or twice is all that you need for smoother brighter skin..

Chemical exfoliant

Chemical exfoliation may help to remove dead skin cells. This form of exfoliation can be less abrasive and therefore can be more suitable for people with sensitive, dry skin.

Chemical exfoliators usually have an ingredient called beta hydroxy acids in them which functions similarly to a facial peel and can remove layers of dead cells by dissolving them with acids. While this may sound harsh, many toners and cleansers contain this ingredient.

A mild chemical exfoliant may help to reveal healthier skin and may help with a dull complexion. However always check with a skincare specialist to determine if this is right for your skin and what strength to use.

Dead skin cells

Dead skins cells are naturally occurring; just like the hair on your body, your skin goes through phases during your lifetime. Old skin cells die and shed from your face and are replaced by new skin cells.

As we age, our cell turnover slows which may result in skin cells staying longer on the skin, resulting in a dull complexion. By increasing the speed in which our skin turnover takes place, we may help to reduce fine lines improve skin tone.

Sun damage may also dry the skin out, creating excess dry skin cells and slowing the turnover of the skin.

Skin type and the need for exfoliation

Your skin type may determine how often you should exfoliate and what method of exfoliation you should use. Dry or sensitive skin usually needs a milder exfoliation less often than what oily skin does.

Oily skin

Oily skin is a skin type that comprises of excess oils and can lead to clogged pores. This skin type is usually less prone to fine lines and wrinkles. This skin type may benefit from both mechanical and chemical exfoliants.

While it may be tempting to reduce oil production with harsh ingredients with this skin type, it’s preferable to follow the instructions provided by a qualified dermatologist or skin care company.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is possibly the skin type to be the most cautious with when exfoliating. A physical exfoliant may be too harsh on the top layer of the skin. A gentle cleanser with the correct ingredients, which you apply gently and use over the entire face is usually enough exfoliation for this skin type.

Combined with lukewarm water and gentle, light strokes, it is advised to rinse your face and gently pat dry with a clean towel. Unfortunately, this skin type can be prone to a red or blotchy reaction – it is always advisable to consult your dermatologist’s office if you are unsure about the ingredients in any skin care products.

Is it possible to over exfoliate?

Over exfoliating is possible, yes. The amount of times you exfoliate depends on your skin type and the rate at which your skin turnover takes place naturally. You should only exfoliate one to two times per week, possibly three times with oily skin.

Outside of gentle exfoliation you should always check with your physician before trying other options.

How to exfoliate your face

Seratopical Exfoliating Polish and Cleanser, with clinically-backed ingredients infused with CBD, is comprised of a powerful micro powder, Hyaluronic Acid and Fruit Extracts to aid in exfoliation. This powerful and purifying cocktail of Micro-powder may help to improve your skin tone and rejuvenate your skin.

Symrelief® 100 is clinically shown  to cleanse pores of toxins and may help with even skin tone.

To exfoliate your face using Seratopical Exfoliating Polish and Cleanser, simply apply a small amount of product on to your hands and work into a lather using lukewarm water. Massage gently over your face and neck using a circular motion and rinse thoroughly while enjoying the unique cooling effect on your skin.

You can then apply moisturizer such as our Seratopical Day and Night Brilliance Cream, with clinically-backed ingredients, infused with CBD.






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